
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas to All!

Wishing you Peace, Happiness,
and Quiet Contentment.

Merry Christmas!

Boundary Waters Christmas

Vacationing in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota, my husband and son had gone on an adventure of their own and I was left to explore the grounds near our vacation cabin to find something to paint. To my delight I discovered this brave new growth of a young pinetree, nestled in among the older, wiser and more seasoned majestic pines. I set up my easel and painted to my heart's content. Back in the studio, I added the Christmas lights and topped the little tree with its own shining star.

 Plein Air, Oil on linen panel 
© Christine Tierney


To see more of my paintings visit my website:




Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Preparations


Countdown to the big day...Christmas is Thursday. 
Are you ready?

Red Christmas
6" x 6"
Oil on panel
© Christine Tierney

To see more of my paintings, please visit my website:  

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Portrait Commission -
Father James Zappa

 by Christine Tierney
Oil on linen
24" x 22"

I am honored to have been asked to paint the official portrait of Father James Zappa, recently retired Head Pastor of Mary, Mother of the Church in Burnsville MN. The unveiling ceremony and blessing took place during the 11:00 a.m. mass on Sunday, December 7th in honor of Father Jim's birthday. The portrait now hangs in a place of honor in the church atrium, next to the Founding Pastor, Reverend Donald Burns (whom I also painted in 2000).