
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Catching Up! Cedarburg Plein Air June 2018

The summer flew by and I failed to blog about my adventures. Where do I begin?

Cedarburg, Wisconsin 
Plein Air Competition June 2018

June brought travels to Cedarburg Wisconsin, which is a quaint little town north of Milwaukee. I was honored to participate in the annual Cedarburg Plein Air event again this year. The weather was great, and we revisited some favorite restaurants, so we ate well too. And our wonderful host family made us feel comfortable and welcome.

As with all of these plein air events, a lot is expected from the participants, and it seems all I did was eat, sleep, paint, eat, sleep, paint…repeat. No awards at Cedarburg, but I was happy with some of my paintings. Here are a couple of my entries, and I promise to catch you all up with the rest of my summer adventures. I have a lot of news to share! Stay tuned.

Grist Mill at Cedarburg
Oil, 14 x 11 inches 

Cedarburg Peonies
Oil, 12 x 9 inches

 Visit my website: 

Friday, March 23, 2018

Left Behind

Left Behind (Jeff's Nova)

Our good neighbor at the lake had a passion for this weathered old '73 Chevy Nova. It was a beauty in its glory days and he kept saying he was going to fix it up some day. Well, some day never came. Jeff passed away very suddenly at only 51 years. His prized Nova still sits under the big tree on the property behind the cabin he lived in. 
 Rest in peace, Jeff. We miss you.

Oil, 12x9 inches, painted plein air with some studio touch-up.

Monday, February 12, 2018


I am honored to be one of 4 women artists showing at the Grand Hill Gallery in St. Paul, MN through March 31.

We have all known each other for many years and regularly paint together, indoors and out. There are over 50 original paintings gathered and displayed, all are available for purchase. It is a privilege to be able to show our paintings together in this wonderful gallery setting!


The opening reception is Thursday, February 15, 2018, 6:30-9 p.m.
333 Grand Avenue #101
St. Paul, MN 55102
(At the Junction of Grand, Ramsey & 35E)

FREE ADMISSION, lite snacks and beverages provided.
The show continues through March 31.

Invite your friends and head over for an evening of art and fun. I hope to see you there!

Monday, January 8, 2018

A New Year and New Art!

It seems my studio has gone to the dogs...

...which is not a bad thing, considering how I loved painting these precious pets! 

To start things off during this cold Minnesota January, here are a couple of special studio projects I worked on in November and December. Since they were commissioned as gifts, I couldn't share them until now.

Chevy, Dazy and Maddie are all pastel, and measure 8 inches wide by 10 inches deep.




I am currently working on paintings for a couple of upcoming gallery shows. And my goal this year is to blog more often, so you will be hearing from me again, soon! 

Happy New Year!!
- Chris