
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Making Lemonade Out of Snow

Making Lemonade Out of Snow 
... snow...
... and more snow!

Shown above, from the archives: "Blue Lemon Lime", soft pastel, private collection

Last weekend my husband and I ventured out in the snow to run errands. After several stops, including lunch and a visit to Grand Hill Gallery to see fellow artist Tom McGregor's show "Big Paintings for a Big River", we drove around and happened upon a sign enticing us to a "sale" at a beautiful old Victorian duplex. As you can imagine, the rooms were filled with beautiful crystal, pottery, kitchen ware, furniture…when…wait, what's this on the table? Art supplies!!! You can imagine whatever had my attention up to that moment was forgotten as I was drawn towards my new-found treasures. An unused box of 72 Prismacolor Nupastels $10. A box of Sakura oil pastels, only a couple of them had been "tried" - $20. A boxed set of Prismacolor colored pencils, set of 120 for $10 (only the lime green pencil was sharpened and barely used), a 14x18 Arches watercolor block (with a partial sheet torn off) $10. Tube watercolor paints (mostly Old Holland, some Windsor-Newtons, retail $6-15 each) 40 tubes in all for $5 including a cute little plastic box to keep them in. I asked the gentleman at the register if the owner was an artist. He told me she just "dabbled". Well, she certainly dabbled with quality materials. When I got home I researched the retail prices and figure I got over $800 worth of art supplies! All of this cost me a mere $55. 

If you're looking for me the rest of winter, I'll be in my studio playing with my new toys.